The Critical Analysis of Some Northern Asian Corporate Governance Standards After the Global Crisis – Cases In Bangladesh and Mongolia

Author Details

Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy

Journal Details


Published: 23 April 2019 | Article Type :


The aim of this paper is to present a set of comparative corporate governance standards in some Northern Asian countries including: Bangladesh and Mongolia. There are strengths and weaknesses in these codes or practices which will be identified in this paperwork.

Therefore, this paper not only identifies different points in latest corporate governance standard principles and systems in the above two (2) countries, but also provides with a summary of evaluation of current corporate governance systems in these above countries which may enable relevant organizations in reevaluating their current ones. Last but not least, it aims to illustrate a limited comparative set of standards of Northern Asian corporate governance, and give proper recommendations to relevant governments and institutions toward a sustainable practices in business life.

Keywords: corporate governance standards, board structure, code of best practice, financial crisis, corporate scandals, market manipulation, internal audit.

JEL Classification: G00, G3, G30

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How to Cite


Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy. (2019-04-23). "The Critical Analysis of Some Northern Asian Corporate Governance Standards After the Global Crisis – Cases In Bangladesh and Mongolia." *Volume 2*, 1, 43-51